Label: "monetary policy"

Karácsony bolt bevásárlás
January 11, 2024 12:50

How devastating is Hungary's price increase? One of the key releases for 2023 coming up!

Disinflation may continue in early 2024 too

parlament magyar duna
December 28, 2023 15:58

Will low inflation and high growth return to Hungary? Economists say we should not take it for granted

Here are the negative risks identified by analysts for 2024

virág barnabás mnb bef
December 19, 2023 16:46

Cenbank rate-setter: 100 basis points interest rate cut was also an option for today

Barnabás Virág held a background briefing after the rate cut

vásárlás bolt kiskereskedelem
December 08, 2023 08:45

Hungary's inflation drops to under 8% in November

What a pleasant surprise - again

vásárlás ruha leértékelés akció
December 07, 2023 16:35

Alright, Hungary's inflation is in single digits - what now?

2024 in focus

budapest magyarország magyar gazdaság
December 05, 2023 09:25

Hungarian Economic Association makes several recommendations to the government

They set out in bullet points what should be done in each area

suranyi gyorgy2
November 29, 2023 12:09

Hungarian gov't, central bank should not throw mud in public – former chief

György Surányi on the budget, growth, inflation, and policy mistakes

November 28, 2023 08:50

Rating agencies watch with concern the fight between Hungary's central bank and government

Intensifying fray over interest rate cuts could pose a serious credibility risk

Parragh Laszlo
November 23, 2023 09:40

Hungary industry chamber chief slams central bank's "too small" interest rate cut

László Parragh talks about "messed up next ten years"

virág barnabás mnb bef
November 21, 2023 15:52

Hungarian rate setter Virág warns "we cannot sit back"

There are a lot of risks present

mnb jegybank magyar nemzeti bank
November 21, 2023 15:15

Hungary cenbank publishes rationale for 75bp rate cut

Move in line with market expectations

Átalakítja eszköztárát és felkészült a normalizációra az MNB!
November 21, 2023 14:00

Hungary central bank cuts rates further

As expected

forint bankjegy
November 21, 2023 10:05

There is one indicator where the forint is among the world's top currencies

How long will positive real interest rates stay with us?

virág barnabás mnb bef
November 20, 2023 12:40

Hungary central banker reveals next rate move, setting path for the forint too

Not many unclear issues left before Tuesday rate-setting meeting

Virág Barnabás MNB
November 17, 2023 10:06

Hungary c.banker heralds 75bp rate cut for next week

Deputy Governor expects base rate under 11% by year-end

gyártás hegesztés
November 15, 2023 06:05

Hungary is going down a risky path - Are they blowing yet another inflation bubble?

Péter Ákos Bod: What could a high-pressure economy bring?

bolt üzlet infláció vásárlás
November 09, 2023 10:15

Hungarian gov't may put the champagne on ice, as key goal is now within reach

Single-digit inflation around the corner

virág barnabás mnb
November 08, 2023 13:31

Hungary's central bank had one shot, and it hit the bull's eye - Deputy Governor

MNB averted an currency crisis last year - Barnabás Virág says